As a consignor you will price and tag all of your own items. Below are instructions on how to tag your items. Please pay attention to the details it helps the sale to be organized and easy to shop.

 All clothing items MUST be on a hanger. Any item over size 2T must be on an adult size hanger. Hanger hook is to be opened to the left, with index card safety pinned on the right shoulder. Please see picture below.

Making Your Tags

Use Only 3×5 index card!

Print barcodes on Avery 5160 Labels

  1. Write a description of the item in the middle of the index card. The more descriptive the better. All Items must have a description. Note that if there is no description, it is pretty much impossible to match any lost tags up if it becomes separated from the item.

  2. Write size of item (if applicable) in upper right hand corner of card.

  3. Write your consignor number in the upper LEFT hand corner of every index card.

  4. Apply the Barcode Label sticker near the bottom center edge of the card. A barcode label is REQUIRED on every card. To print barcodes for your tags on address labels at home, you will login to My Consignor Homepage and select Activities Menu, then barcode labels tags. Your Barcode will print your consignor number, price and the barcode. It will also indicate whether you do or do not wish to have that item to be sold at 1/2 price on Saturday.



Where do I place my card?

You will place your card with a safety pin in the upper right hand shoulder of your clothing item. Other items please make sure they are placed where a buyer can see it.

Screenshot 2020-05-14 at 3.49.29 PM.png
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How all index cards should look.